January 2024 Impact Report


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Senior Cristian Ledesma volunteers in the kitchen to help prepare lunch for students and staff!

How often do you volunteer in the kitchen? Last semester I helped in the kitchen every Monday - Friday. Because I go to MDCC for dual enrollment this semester, I can't help as much right now.

Describe how you help Lee Lee during lunchtime. I help Lee Lee in every way I can. We make drinks, salads, drop things in the fryer, bake the cookies, and anything else she needs help with.

What have you enjoyed about the new cafeteria? I have enjoyed the new cafeteria because of how big it is. You have your own space and it doesn't feel crowded. I also like how we dismiss to get our lunch every day.
These faithful volunteers help school run more smoothly and efficiently! Hear from Jennifer Altman who drives from Jackson every Monday to tutor, and from Vicky Patridge and Diane Finnegan who have graciously served lunches for over four years! 
“For 3-4 hours every Monday, I work with a student on his reading skills in the areas of phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading comprehension and fluency. This student is extremely engaged, eager to participate and always willing to be a key player in his education. He is always on time, ready to dig in, and gives 100% effort every single time. Delta Streets is such a beautiful picture of the gospel, and I am humbled to be a minuscule part. I see smiling faces in the hallways, I hear engaging conversation in the classrooms around me, I see structure being implemented, and I so look forward to watching these boys grow into world changers - all from the instruction and passion of amazing educators at DSA!” -Jennifer Altman, Reading Volunteer
“I’ve helped serve lunch at Delta Streets for four years and it’s the best job I’ve ever had! I love our new kitchen and lunchroom area! It’s so roomy with lots of features that make cooking and serving lunch super easy. I love seeing the boys and hearing “thank you” and “have a nice day.” Several of the boys make quick work cleaning the lunchroom area and I so appreciate that.” –Diane Finnegan, Kitchen Volunteer
“When I began helping Lee Lee in the kitchen, I really thought that it would be temporary.  Now, almost four years later, I look forward to seeing the students and getting to know some of them quite well. I miss former students and try to keep up with them as best I can. The new kitchen has been a wonderful change for the staff and students. We have space to move and space to grow!” -Vicky Patridge, Kitchen Volunteer
From the very beginning, volunteers have been at the center of what we do at DSA. I think back to our tutors in the early years. Consistent and passionate. On every construction project besides the gym and the renovation of the new facility, we had swarms of volunteers. Year in and year out, people always looking for ways to serve.

As the school has grown, it looks different with volunteers, but still needed. Now we have ladies who help serve the food to the guys at lunch. We have two big annual fundraisers that take a team of volunteers to pull off. At athletic events, volunteers helping with chain gang, concessions, etc. We are extremely thankful for all of those who have volunteered over the years, and we do not say it enough!

When I see different volunteers working in the particular area they are serving, it reminds me of the Gospel. Following in the steps of Jesus...and for that we are thankful!
DSA is now set up to receive donations through stock transfer!

Please email gblocker@deltastreetsacademy.org with any questions about transferring stock.

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Sarah Waldrop